
Championship Lives

Many lives have been changed through our program. We focus on 4 areas of life:

Spiritual Development-We believe that our walk with God is vital to changing our lives for the better. Also, being with positive people and having a plan for your life are also essential in having a changed life.

Academics-We have what we call an "Academic Gameplan". This helps up to focus on being excellent in the classroom, as well as the field. This includes going to all classes, being on time, and sitting in the front row. These are small things that we feel help make you a better student and a better man.

Family-Part of our EMAP philosophy is that our team is our family, and family comes first. We acknowledge that even though people on our team have different roles, they are all equally valued. Finally, we believe in the "Team above Me" mentality where we look out for the good of the team over the good of ourselves.

Leaders-Our team is led by our servant leadership council. This is a group of players selected by fellow players and coaches as the leaders on the team. They are held to the highest standard on our team and are committed to the EMAP Blueprint and hold the team to its standards. Things we look for in our leaders are people who love the challenges in life and face them courageously. Also, our leaders must always play the Put-Up game, which is having an encouraging attitude.